Making a purchase could not be easier. Just browse our store, and add any items that you wish to buy into the shopping basket. After you have finished your selection, click on ‘Checkout’ and you will be asked for a few details that we need to be able to complete the order.
We accept all major credit card payments or payments via Paystack.
When confirmation of order is received, this is to indicate that we have received your order. It does not indicate that a contract exists between us. We will indicate acceptance of your order, and hence a contract between us, when we send you an invoice. We have included this term to protect us in the case that a mistake has been made in pricing, we have inadvertently under-priced goods, or we are no longer able to supply a particular product for some reason. In the case of a change of price, we will always contact you first to ensure that the price is acceptable.
Wallpaper Mart is based in the Nigeria. Any orders that are received from outside of Nigeria may be subject to import tax. Should the customer fail to pay the necessary taxation, any costs incurred for shipping, recovering and destroying items will be deducted from any refunds that are offered.
Discount codes can be applied on the basket page. Once applied you will see the discounted amount and the sub-total (excluding delivery). Only one discount code can be applied per transaction. Discount codes cannot be used in conjunction with other discount codes.